All-in-one system designed to optimize the fraction of self-used electricity, triple phase, DC coupling

A system comprises:
- 10 years LG warranty for LG ESS Home 8 and 10
- Compact, Plug & Play, easy installation
- Flexible, 3 MPP - Tracker at Home 8,10
- One or two batteries can be combined per inverter
- Free monitoring system

LG ESS Solars power storage packages | Home 8 | Home 10 |
Number of MPP | 3 | 3 |
DC input per MPP | 6 kWp | 7,5kWp |
DC input max. | 12kWp | 13,5 kWp |
AC output | 8 kVA | 10 kVA |
Battery type | Lithium Polymer high-voltage | |
Usable energy (kWh) | 6,6 kWh, 9,3 kWh, 13,2 kWh, 15,9 kWh und 18,6 kWh | |
Accessories | ABB-Zähler | 323212 - 100 RS485, MC4-Steckverbinder |
Our competent partner installers and planners will be pleased to advise you which Solar Power Storage System STOREit is best suited for your application.
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